The Conservative Party Principles

The Conservative Party Principles

Thursday, November 18, 2021

THE DOCUMENTS for 'Crimes or Cover-Up?' BlazeTV special - TheBlaze

THE DOCUMENTS for 'Crimes or Cover-Up?' BlazeTV special - TheBlaze: COVID-19 changed everything. The way we live our lives, how we operate our businesses, how we see each other. And now, the federal government is sinking its tendrils even deeper, threatening the fabric not only of our bodily autonomy, but of the republic. Our American way of life may never be th...

Wednesday, September 1, 2021



Action of Conservative Party USA
September 11, 2021

The Unanimous Declaration of its Fifteen Affiliated State Parties

When in the course of historic events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bonds which have connected them with another, and to reassume among the Powers of this Nation and the Earth, their separate but equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God have entitled them, a decent respect for the opinions of all mankind requires that we now re-declare the causes that once again impel us to this separation.  

 We continue to hold these Truths to be self-evident that all men and women are still created equal and they remain endowed by their Creator with guaranteed inalienable Rights. Among these Rights are still, Life, Liberty, the Pursuit of Happiness, the Right to Prosper and Keep the Fruits from One’s Labors without undue Government Burden and the Right to Equal, Fair and Honest Judgement before the Law. That to secure these rights, governments must be re-instituted among moral men and women, deriving their just and limited powers, as defined by the law, solely from the consent of the governed. A Government Of, By and For the People! That whenever Any Form Of Government, Local, State, National or Global becomes destructive to these ends, it is the Right of The People to alter or abolish it, and institute new Government laying it’s foundation in such principles and organizing it’s Just powers in such form, as to most likely Ensure their God Given Rights, their Safety and their Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes and accordingly all experience has shown that Americans are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of Abuses, Usurpations and Depredation of their right to change that government by legal means and evinces a design to reduce them to be ruled under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty to throw  off such Government and to provide new Guards for Their Future Security.

Much has been the patient suffering of these United States that now becomes the Necessity which constrains them to alter the current government in demand for a full restoration of the Constitution Representative Republic that was founded on June 21, 1788. The history of the current duo-political controlling parties is that they have destroyed the Constitution and have in direct object instituted an absolute Tyranny over these United States of America!

Because the Government has been governed by only two major political parties, they each have been guilty either directly, or in concert with one another of the following actions whose legal authority is questionable at best!

To prove this, let Facts be submitted to this Nation and a Candid World.

They have refused and abrogated their Assent to the Laws of the Land, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good, including wanton abrogation of National Immigration Laws.

They have forbidden Governors from passing laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation until they have given their Assent; and when so suspended have intentionally ignored or vilified them preventing their passing or nullified by constant legal attacks from becoming law.

They have Refused to enforce defend or even support the most basic Laws in defense of and in securing this Nation and have used the lawlessness created by it to turn their political strongholds into unlivable and untenable political strongholds, further creating a fully dependent class of people never being able to break their chains of indentured servitude to their cause unless approved to do so.

They have called together legislative bodies under dubious at best legal authority, in uncomfortable circumstances and without the proper and legal recording mechanisms to create and manipulate the legislative process by fatiguing all members involved until their compliance is acquiesced to their authority.

They have subrogated the State Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing their authority with the legal Rights afforded them by both the 9th. And 10th. Amendments of the Bill of Rights.

In Particular the Democrat Party has been Guilty of the following actions whose legal authority is questionable at best:

They have committed election fraud manipulating elections with verified admitted fraud involving known gangster elements going back 60 years. They have been committing this fraud since 1910 which is the last time a non-democrat was elected to any large city position of authority.

They have willfully obstructed manipulated and outright dismissed passed federal immigration legislation for lawful controlled entry into these United States in an effort to overload and overwhelm the immigration system and this Nations ability to assimilate these new immigrants to further their plan to alter this Nations demographic ensuring their political dominance.

They have made Judges dependent on their will alone, they have threatened with violence, in front of thousands of witness’s, against the highest judicial body in the land if they did not acquiesce to their demands and lied about before their complicit propaganda machine.

They have created an unelected bureaucratic army within the mechanisms of government that are unaccountable to the American People and have been through multiple administrations. They were and have been responsible for criminal behavior verified by the known prosecuted and public acts that have been numerous in recent years and under the last 2 Presidential Administrations with one being protected by this army and one being attacked. And every illegal action taken went un-punished and the guilty were rewarded.

They have manipulated the Military by dismissing 200 years of standing policy and removing any and all command level authority to ensure their political support within the command level staff. They publicly attacked, they used the corrupted system of justice to entrap and they used their political propaganda arm, their complicit media, creating false narratives and outright lies in efforts to remove these officers.

They have manipulated trade with the world forcing states to trade with our enemies solely to enrich themselves.

They enrich themselves continuously by creating legislation and then profiting from that legislation directly or indirectly.

They have destroyed the justice System that was created to provide for Equal Justice under the Law to become a two tiered system that protects and rewards their supporters and persecutes and punishes all others.

They have manipulated the Judicial branch by stacking the court with professed ideological accomplices who have directly violated their oaths to office to bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution when in turn they support destructive ideologies and murder. And have attacked with all manner and method any opposing appointments.

They have blocked American citizens and their interests from profiting from their own efforts through egregious legislation or the manipulation of legislation by burdensome regulation requiring many to destroy themselves in defense of, or in acquiescence to their overreach.

They have abdicated states governments by declaring war against those states governments for passing legal lawful legislation protecting their citizens from the democrat’s criminal actions. Again violating the 2nd. 9th and 10th. Rights in the Bill of Rights.

They have created and supported insurrection and treason by financing and protecting and manipulating a small but active segment of their voter base to riot on demand in multiple cities and states. They used their media to oppress the truth of these riots and used platforms ideologically aligned with them to control, manipulate and organize the rioters for every crisis that was conducive to creating destructive outcomes. They on multiple occasions financed the rioters legal representation by using campaign funds as several did violating federal and state election laws.

They created several legal firms to protect them and manipulate judicial outcomes in multiple states where their criminal behavior was challenged.

They have manipulated the elections of multiple prosecutor elections in large cities using foreign funds from known anti-American agitators for the express purpose of distorting the legal system affecting the safety and security of those cities.

In all of these and thousands more criminal acts by the ruling class elites manifest by the democrat party we have used our 1st. amendment right to redress grievances and peacefully petition as is our God Given Right we have been rebuked. The latest manifestation being the Peaceful and Lawful assembly on Jan. 6th. 2021, in Washington D.C., when on multiple occasions many of the organizers called for peaceful demonstrations and the main body of participants were lawful and orderly. But a small and very determined group of unidentified individuals as well as several known members of the democrat party’s supporters within the rioting groups (BLM Antifa) recorded and then disseminated their criminal acts under the guise of journalism and paid for by several democrat media outlets with no criminal repercussions. And have instead used the crisis, as never let a good crisis go to waste being their core mantra, to manipulate a piece of very bad legislation passed under stressful times to persecute lawful American citizens guilty only of wanting an honest accounting of a very questionable election under very suspicious unaccountable results.

We therefore the Conservative majority of the United States of America appealing to the Supreme Judge of the World for the rectitude of our Constitutional Republic do, in the name of and by the will of the people demand a new government. The restitution of the Bill of Rights and a review of all additional Amendments to the Constitution that violate the first ten. The Restoration of Equal Justice Before the Law for All! The end of unelected unaccountable bureaucratic rule, all federal legislative action to be performed by elected officials or their direct surrogates. End Supreme Court supremacy and allow the states oversight. As with the amendment process allow all 50 states to vote on their decisions for rectification or rebuttal. A restoration of state sovereignty and representation in the Senate. Balanced Federal Budgets. Term Limits ending the permanent political class and a 10 year moratorium blocking any former elected official or federal employee from lobbying any government office or official.

And for the support of this Declaration, with the firm reliance on the Protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other and the Silenced Majority American, our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor!

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

So Much Evidence that January 6, 2021 was a Calculated Set-Up - American Thinker

So Much Evidence that January 6, 2021 was a Calculated Set-Up - American Thinker: Political persecution and isolation of vast swaths of the citizenry by the Justice Department, the Intelligence Community and the Judiciary in the wake of the January 6, 2021 Capitol incursion should bring a chill down the spine of every American. Th...

Monday, July 5, 2021

Top Secret Meeting of Mainstream Media, Big Tech, and Intelligence Heads Is Taking Place This Week In Idaho

Top Secret Meeting of Mainstream Media, Big Tech, and Intelligence Heads Is Taking Place This Week In Idaho: This week top-secret meetings are taking place between the top communications firms in the US.  Big Tech, Mainstream Media (Big Media), and the intelligence community are gathering to strategize on how to consolidate their power over the information being force-fed to the American people. Mark Dice shares the following: Every time people talk about the…

Thursday, June 17, 2021

HUGE DEVELOPMENT: NSA Reveals in FOIA Response that the FBI Involved in "Improper Surveillance" of 16,000 Americans

HUGE DEVELOPMENT: NSA Reveals in FOIA Response that the FBI Involved in "Improper Surveillance" of 16,000 Americans: Some Background Throughout 2020 the Black Lives Matter terrorist group was linked to conservatively 91% of the riots that resulted in the most expensive property damage in US insurance history There were zero Trump rallies that turned violent during that same time period. Then on January 6, after one million Trump supporters rallied with President…

Monday, May 31, 2021

Happy Memorial Day 2021 - Freedom Still Isn't Free

Happy Memorial Day 2021 - Freedom Still Isn't Free: Happy Memorial Day 2021! Let us always remember – in the words of Ronald Reagan – “Freedom isn’t free and America is the last stand on Earth.” A Time for Choosing speech Oct 27, 1964 This amazing photo below was taken 103 years ago in 1918. It is a photo of 18,000 men preparing for…

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Biden's Intelligence Community Is Not Focused on China or Antifa But on their Political Opposition - President Trump, Roger Stone, Kash Patel and American Patriots Are First in Line

Biden's Intelligence Community Is Not Focused on China or Antifa But on their Political Opposition - President Trump, Roger Stone, Kash Patel and American Patriots Are First in Line: It’s no secret.  We know Obama did it before.  Now the Obama/Biden White House is at it again – using the Intel community to attack Americans who are supporters of America and the MAGA agenda. We heard yesterday from the Deep State’s mouthpiece – the Washington Post – that the Deep State is again on…

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Let's Celebrate the Federal Government on April Fools' Day - American Thinker

Let's Celebrate the Federal Government on April Fools' Day - American Thinker: Let's celebrate the federal government every April Fools' Day.  How fitting a holiday to toast a byzantine, irresponsible, and largely untouchable system of red-tape rule-makers and above-the-law actors who do little for the America...

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Welcome to the Soviet States of Ameristan - American Thinker

Welcome to the Soviet States of Ameristan - American Thinker: How many times must our Swamp Lords tell us before we finally understand?  Questioning the legitimacy of the 2020 election will not be tolerated, and doing so is an unequivocal attack upon our

Monday, March 22, 2021

Dark Money Fuels Push to Ditch Filibuster - Washington Free Beacon

Dark Money Fuels Push to Ditch Filibuster - Washington Free Beacon: The left-wing group leading a campaign to have Senate Democrats eliminate the filibuster is housed at one of the left's most powerful dark money networks, business records show.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

MUST READ: Democrats Were ONLY Able to "Win" in 2020 By Breaking Chain of Custody Laws in EVERY SWING STATE

MUST READ: Democrats Were ONLY Able to "Win" in 2020 By Breaking Chain of Custody Laws in EVERY SWING STATE: by Jim and Joe Hoft Democrat election violations: (left to right) Secret ballot counting in Georgia, Secret ballot deliveries at 3:30 AM in Detroit, Blocking observers from viewing inside the TCF Center in Detroit At midnight on election night, President Trump warned his supporters not to let Democrats “find any votes at 4 in the…

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

The Attempt to Install a One-Party Oligarchy is Predestined to Fail - American Thinker

The Attempt to Install a One-Party Oligarchy is Predestined to Fail - American Thinker: Scattered throughout the length and breadth of the United States are those who have experienced first-hand the tyranny of despotic rulers and repressive one-party oligarchies.  Today, many of us that came here as refugees are watching with bemus...

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Here’s what really happened before the incursion into the Capitol - American Thinker

Here’s what really happened before the incursion into the Capitol - American Thinker: [Editor’s note: This may be the longest piece ever published at American Thinker in over a decade. We’re publishing it because it is the most detailed eyewitness report we’ve received primarily about the peaceful part of the rally, ...

Sunday, January 10, 2021

The Night of the Tech Long Knives - American Thinker

The Night of the Tech Long Knives - American Thinker: In 1934 Hitler executed members of his paramilitary organization (the SA – Sturmabteilung or Storm Troopers) to consolidate his power, claiming it was to prevent a planned coup. In like fashion, using the incursion into the Capitol building, th...

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